arrêts sur images / video stills, 2021

Stagnating in Obscurity, Awaiting Discovery1

Stagnating in Obscurity Awaiting Discovery a été créé, à la demande du centre d’artiste Dazibao, en réponse à l’exposition posthume Moving Through Time and Space réunissant des œuvres vidéos de David Tomas (1959-2019), afin d’ouvrir sur les multiples ramifications traversant l’ensemble de son œuvre, sans oublier ses écrits et autres manifestations souvent inclassables.

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Stagnating in Obscurity Awaiting Discovery was created, at the request of Dazibao artist run centre, in response to the posthumous exhibition Moving Through Time and Space, bringing together video works by David Tomas (1959-2019), in order to open up the multiple ramifications that run through the whole of his work, not forgetting his writings and other often unclassifiable manifestations.

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